Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pakia o ringa

Mrs Taikato taught us this action song in Mahi Maori.  We practiced in class time because we wanted to be in time with each other.  We made a few mistakes, but we improved heaps.  That's what persistence is all about!


  1. Well done room 7 persistence is a great quality to have. If something is hard and you cant quite get it, stick at it til you do, practice makes perfect. I loved the Maori action song, you all look pretty impressive to me, it seems your persistence paid off!

  2. Great work Room 7. I'll bet Mrs Taikato is impressed at how well you can do this when she sees you next for Maori

  3. Thumbs up Room 7 we loved it. Come and teach us how to do that.
    From Room 4
