Sunday, May 12, 2013

Room 2's Capital City Connection....woop,woop...You wish you were us still lol

Room 2 had a fantastic time filming movies, playing with iPads at the Carter Space Observatory, then acting at the Maritime Museum, then some sculpture work just like the one's on the Waterfront....woop woop!


  1. Looks like you all are learning lots and having fun!! Enjoy the rest of the week. We are missing you guys in Kiwi Can by the way! Jay:)

    1. Hi Jay, it's Sativah, Brookie (girl one) Teagie, Rhiarn and the most beautiful of all Ms Tereu...we are all in our jim jams checking out the blog. We miss Kiwi Can NOT haha nah kidding, Sativah said it's the best part of her week and Brookie said, can I stay for two hours when I'm back hahaha

  2. Hi it's us from room 872 we are all jealous much, it looks like you are all having lots of fun. We are having fun too because we have been baking some yumny things. Keep posting the photos so we can keep up with the play.
    (why are we named 872 you are wondering, well try and figure it out)

    1. Hi Room 872...I'm guessing you're called that because you have my babies, Mrs Wilson's babies & Yves. I miss you guys. See you soon xxx

  3. Oh you are so clever Miss Tereu for working that out!!

  4. when I was at camp I missed Tokoroa
    from ruthie

  5. ms Tereu is the coolest teacher By Ruthie
